Pork! It's the meat of kings!
It's made from pig, try it with onion rings.
Pork sure goes with everything, cause it's made from swine, and swine sure tastes fine.
Just bring some to the picnic baby,
You know you wanna stuff it in my hamper
But please put it in some tupperware
Cause I don't wanna be a porky chancer.
Let's talk about pork
Converse about meat
Veggies get wedgies cause meat can't be beat
Ham and bacon you should taste them
I know it's surprising but it's so appetizing!
Link to video (note the Full Screen option)
(image care of AdFreak)
Haha, The lyrics are nice but how about the literal translation ?
Pork! Its the meat of kings
Its made from pigs try it with Onion Rings
Pork sure goes with everything `Cos its made from swine and swine sure tastes fine!!
Just bring some to the picknick baby! You know you wanna stuff it in my hamper!
Put these put in some Tupperware, Cause I dont wanna be a porky chance!
Talk about Pork. Converse about meat veggies beat weggies coz meat cot be beat!
Ham and Bacon you should taste them. I know its suprising but its so appetising, (repeat)
I typed "Cot" since that is what he sings lol
And now for the real lyrics, you were close though.
Pork! It's the meat of kings
Its made from pigs try it with Onion Rings
Pork sure goes with everything `Cos its made from swine and swine sure tastes fine!!
Just bring some to the picnic baby! You know you wanna stuff it in my hamper!
But please put in some Tupperware, Cause I dont wanna be a porky chancer!
Talk about Pork. Converse about meat veggies need weggies cos meat can't be beat!
Ham and Bacon you should taste them. I know its suprising but their so appetising
*Lets talk about pork*
imho he says:
"veggies need weggies cause they can't be breed"
I also think it's "veggies need wedgies"...
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