Running down my list of national stereotypes, right after "The French Make Great Cheese" and "The Polish Make Great Variety Meats" is "The Germans Make Great Beach Chairs."
If your list reads differently, cast your reclining eyes on this beauty and get ready to be convinced. The Eurita Strandkorb isn't your carry-on-your-shoulder beach chair - it's hundreds of pounds of finely crafted furniture which can be called "portable" only because it has handles. The Bismark of beach chairs, this monster comes in a variety of sizes, but all of them feature the following:
• 2 pillows and 2 neck rolls and 2 folding side tables
• Weatherproof awning fabric
• Heavy-duty cover option
• Extra-thick cushions
• Full 90° recline capability
• Slides or wheels for mobility
You can view the entire line at Reston Lloyd's website by typing in Strandkorb in the upper-left select box and "contains" in the box below it.
And should you find a few grand burning a hole in your lederhosen, you could buy one here (Costco, of all places) or contact their North American sales representative Tom Grubisich at (310) 917-1197. The Eurita Strandkorb "King" (shown here) was being offered at a 20% discount at one point ($3,920 from $4,900, plus shipping). Ach mein liebe!
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