I was thinking about a request I got today to create "a single slide for each of our products describing its go to market strategy".
Reductum ad absurdam exercises can turn marketing into a sterile, lifeless thing. Make sure your presenter knows how to spin stories from a few simple cues and shares your love of the subject matter. And use plenty of pictures.
(ed. the picture above is not a shot of cockroach hair - it is a landscape by one of my favorite artists - Charles Perkalis. He's been shown at the Simon Gallery and numerous other locations. Click on the photo above to link to an online gallery of some of his works.)
So...you've finally gotten around to selling cockroach hair, eh? The marketing campaign is, indeed, long overdue...
Huh? Cockroach hair? You can sell that?
Oh, sure! I have been spinning the fiber into the most beautiful yarn. I plan to knit a scarf for you out of it... If you can sell the hair to me cheaper, it'll be a done deal.
But why must Mr. Perkalis put so much cockroach hair in his landscapes? Are these landscapes of past Queens apartments? Are they harbingers of the Upcoming Rule of Our Roach Overlords? (boy, whadda suckup...)
Roach scarves do make me run faster when someone turns on the light, and for that reason alone I recommend them...
Woof woof woof woof woof, arf.
Woof woof woof? Arf, arf.
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